Team Dimensions: A Case Study

Teresa Kowal
4 min readOct 29, 2020


Watch the background video (about 1 minute) and then read on for details.

When I started working as an independent innovation management consultant, I initially focused on helping companies design and implement the right system. Innovation succeeds if you have a good workflow that includes expectations, activities, templates, and clear decision criteria.

A couple of years ago, in assessing what really works for innovation success, I realized that even as important as systems are, people are more important! For this reason, I earned my DiSC® certification to help leaders and teams move beyond the basics so they can truly transform innovation into a core business practice and model of success.

Team Dimensions

One tool I use to help teams begin to assess their strengths is the Team Dimensions Profile. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4 of The Innovation ANSWER Book and in Chapter 6 of the recently released PDMA Body of Knowledge (2nd ed.). I will also be discussing this case study on Friday, 18 September 2020 at the virtual Texas ACMP conference. There’s a great line-up of speakers and you can register here.

I like the Team Dimensions workstyle assessment because it uses “innovation” language and is an easy starting point for teams to improve their multi-disciplinary connections. Communication across functional boundaries and with customers is crucial for repeatable innovation success.

I also like the Team Dimensions and DiSC profiles for innovation team-building because they focus on our work styles instead of personality types. Personality assessments are valuable — don’t get me wrong — but we are often “different people” at work than we are at home, at leisure, or at church. At work, we may have to stretch into various roles to accomplish a task. While those roles might be uncomfortable, we can do it. What’s important is understanding why it’s hard for us and then aligning our team members and project activities with the work styles in which they excel.

Four Team Dimension Styles

Team Dimensions work styles are based on behaviors and preferences. Spontaneity is a behavior shared by Creators and Advancers. These types of people like to work without constraints, and they readily envision new ideas and concepts. The future is limitless.

Advancers also demonstrate normative behaviors which they share with Executors. People with these work styles are able to frame ideas into a familiar context and they rely on past experience to guide current activities and decisions. Not surprisingly, Executors also prefer a methodical work environment. Executors and Refiners like to follow step-by-step instructions, preferred structure in the workplace, and are motivated by fitting the pieces of a puzzle together. Accuracy is an expected outcome of their analytical approach to problems.

Read more and download an excerpt on TEAM DIMENSIONS from The Innovation ANSWER Book at

Check out my podcast interview on this case study here.

Learn More

· Learn more about Team Dimensions Profile during my session at the Texas ACMP Conference on 18 September. Register here.

· Check out where I’m speaking next (click here) and book me for your next event.

· Get your copy of The Innovation ANSWER Book available at Amazon (now available on Kindle).

· Vote on the cover of my next book, The Innovation QUESTION Book here.

· Get your NPDP Certification! Join our October online class (Thursdays) following the brand new, 2nd edition PDMA Body of Knowledge. REGISTER HERE!

© Global NP Solutions, LLC

Building Innovation Leaders

About Me

I am inspired by writing, teaching, and speaking at great professional events. I tackle life with an infusion of rigor, zeal, and faith. It brings me joy to help you build innovation leaders. Teresa Jurgens-Kowal is an experienced innovation professional with a passion for lifelong learning with a PhD in Chemical Engineering and an MBA in Computer and Information Decision Making. My credentials include PE (State of Louisiana), NPDP, PMP®, and CPEM, and I am a DiSC® certified facilitator. Contact me at or area code 281 + phone 787–3979 for more information on coaching for entrepreneurs and innovators.

This was first published on the blog at

Follow me on Twitter @globalnpd.



Teresa Kowal

I tackle life with an infusion of rigor, zeal, and faith. My passion is innovation and helping others improve their new product development ecosystems.